A set of stainless steel barbecue tools, including a basting brush, tongs, fork, spatula, and slotted spatula with green handles, neatly arranged next to a green backpack-style carrying case. Two white golf balls are also placed beside the bag.

7PCS Golf-Club Style BBQ Tool Set

For grilling and golf enthusiasts, this gift certainly makes par!


The perfect grill set for the golfer!

This is a great gift for anyone who likes to barbecue and golf! (That would be my husband btw!) It gets consistent 5 star reviews for heavy duty utensils and and attention to detail on the products, especially the salt and pepper shaker golf balls! The adorable carry case is what sealed the deal for me earning it a spot in the Feast & Merriment Gift Guide. Overall, this gift is definitely “up to par”!

The 7pcs golf bbq kit includes golf-club style barbecue spatula, power tongs, grill fork, 2 Golf-Ball Style salt & pepper shaker, silicone basting brush and golf storage bag.

Choose from 2 colors – Classic Black or Golfer’s Green

A BBQ grill tool set with a black carrying case. The set includes a basting brush, tongs, meat fork, and a spatula, all with long handles. Two white balls are also placed next to the carrying case.
A green barbecue tool set including a slotted spatula, a meat fork, a basting brush, and a cleaning brush, all with black handles. The tools are placed in a green carrying bag with a shoulder strap.

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