Durty Gurl

durty-girlSass, Spice & Everything Nice!

We recently kicked back with some Durty Gurl Bloody Mary Spicy Mix. This beauty hails from Augusta, Georgia.

Local Tasters agreed that the mix has a great nose, full of tomato and basic Bloody seasoning. Upon first sips, the mix matched the aroma producing a great tomato punch in the mouth!

Although Durty Gurl tastes ‘likes a mix,’ we all agreed that it was easy to drink, had a smooth consistency and would be a great introduction to a Bloody Mary to the less experienced Bloody drinker. We classified Durty Gurl as a ‘traditional Bloody Mary’ mix and think this would be the perfect hair-of-the-dog mix when you can’t handle anything too complex. (And lets face it- we all need a little hair-of-the-dog once in a while)

Although we were sippin’ on ‘Spicy Mix’ we didn’t feel it was all that spicy, which is actually a very good thing. We think the spice craze that is going on in the wonderful world of Bloody Marys is getting a little out of control.

Thumbs up for Durty Gurl! This was a refreshing and enjoyable tasting session.

Durty Gurl specializes in select cocktail mixers. In addition to the Spicy Bloody Mary mix described above, Dirty Girl also produces a Bloody Mary mix with horseradish, Martini Olive juice and a Margarita Mix! Tell me, what else does one really need for a good time?


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