Gluten Free Recipes

About Gluten Free Recipes
Good Gluten Free recipes are much more common than you think. Despite what some people think, it does not mean sacrificing flavor. In fact, most fresh, homemade foods are simply gluten free -without even trying.
We all know gluten is present in pasta and bread doughs, but the real punishers are typically disguised in processed foods, which frankly, is what many restaurants utilize these days, including packaged, pre-made sauces, stocks and dressings from bulk restaurant distributers. For someone with a gluten allergy, going out to eat is often very challenging.
However, when cooking at home, its quite easy to make gluten free meals without even trying.
Hidden Sources of Gluten.
While I am not gluten sensitive and certainly enjoy my fair share of pasta, I have several close friends and relatives who suffer from Celiacs disease, so I have learned a lot over the years about gluten and where to look for it in ingredients. If you have never seen someone get ill from a gluten attack, you really don’t understand the pain it causes and the lack of treatment for it. When I cook for the people in my life with gluten allergies, I want to make sure I’m careful not to cross contaminate, while also ensuring they enjoy an awesome meal!
Gluten can be tricky to identify in an ingredient list. It is often over looked in products we don’t associate with wheat, such as chicken stock or salad dressing. Often, it’s hidden in the preservatives. Unless you are dealing with fresh ingredients, always make sure a product is labeled “GF” if cooking for someone with a Gluten allergy.
- Deli meats
- Stocks, Broths & canned soups
- Seasonings
- Condiments
- Salad dressings & marinades
- Flavored beverages & alcohol
- Certain Vinegars
- Meat & Fish Substitutes
- Egg substitutes (ask at restaurants)